Management of research facility
- Laboratories for genetic recombination experiment and animal breeding rooms are available for rent.
- Experimental equipment specialized for bioscience are available for rent in the common lab space (100 yen per hour).
- Counsel for experimental safety is provided by the advisory committee of TBF.
Supporting start-ups
- Advice on starting biotech business, obtaining business funds, rental rooms for experimental and office, and developing sales channels is available.
Tenants in TBF (as of Apr, 2021):
- Trans Chromosomics Inc.
- GPC Laboratories, Inc.
- Evolve Biotherapeutics, Inc.
- Tottori Bioscience Organization
- Tottori Univ. Chromosome Engineering Research Center
Coaching and training
- Seminars on bioengineering and business operations for entrepreneurs, researchers and engineers can be attended. Click here for details (in Japanese).
- Seminars are provided aiming to generate the technology-based entrepreneurial ecosystem of the region.